Ivis Gibson and a number of other concerned citizens founded Families In Action in an effort to address the growing problem of drug addiction emerging in our communities. With the help of dedicated volunteers like Roger Boucaud, Families In Action became a drop in centre for persons with alcohol and other drug addictions. Operating out of one room of the building at 82 Maraval Road, Families In Action dedicated itself to the upliftment and healing of families and individuals through counselling and group support.
In 1988, Families In Action was incorporated as a non-profit, non-governmental organisation and has grown in both services and physical size. When threatened with eviction in 1998, corporate benefactors, The National Gas Company of Trinidad and Tobago Limited, Phoenix Park Gas Processors Limited and The National Lotteries Control Board, came to our rescue. Thankfully, Families In Action now has a home and occupies the entire building at 82 Maraval Road.