Source: Trinidad Guardian July, 2012

Myths about alcohol are as abundant as the substance itself, with widely- touted rumours on everything from

ways to instantly sober up, craftily beat a Breathalyser test or magically cure a hang-over. It can be hard to

separate fact from fiction. While alcohol companies often churn out ads promising rebellion, excitement and sex

appeal with your next swig, urban legends circulate on the other extreme, linking alcohol with everything from

brain cell damage to beer bellies.

Here’s a look at some common alcohol myths:-

Myth: taking an aspirin before drinking will prevent a hangover

Fact: In reality, the opposite is true. Research shows that aspirin actually increases the amount of alcohol that

ends up in your system, which makes you get drunk quicker—and stay drunk longer. In addition, mixing aspirin

and booze can lead to gastrointestinal bleeding. Drinking after taking acetaminophen found in Tylenol, can be

even worse and may even lead to liver damage—so it’s best to heed the warning labels on the bottles for over the

counter medications!

Myth: Sucking on copper coins will trick a breathalyser

Fact: People who wish to put themselves and others in harm’s way by driving drunk should know that stuffing a

handful of coins in their mouths once they get pulled over will not help them evade responsibility. The theory is

that copper from a coin will absorb ethanol. But even if that were the case, coins these days have very little

copper only 2.5 per cent since 1982, according to the US Mint. Even if you found a stash of old coins, or a

magical substance that absorbs alcohol, it still won’t do the trick. Police officers actually wait 15 minutes before

they have you take the Breathalyser test, and they’ll also check your mouth to make sure nothing could throw off

the results. And the test measures air deep within your lungs so even if any of these tricks actually had an effect

on the air in your mouth, they still would not trick the breathalyser.

Myth: Drinking too much will give you a beer belly

Fact: This much is true. Drinking beer excessively can certainly lead to weight gain. Research indicated that

beer consumption can lead to increased waist circumference, which was closely related to overall weight gain

including bigger hips as well as a wider waistline.

Myth: Adults of the same height can drink the same amount

Fact: Women actually process alcohol much differently than men even when controlling for size. Men are

generally leaner than women, but both genders have roughly the same size liver. This means that women

clear more alcohol per unit of lean body mass than men do, releasing it into the bloodstream quicker.More

alcohol in the blood means women get drunk faster, and it also leads to another problem. Women have way

less of the enzymes that break down alcohol in their blood, making it nearly impossible to go shot for shot

with even their smallest male drinking buddy without getting far more wasted.

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